Background & Training
Nurses and Therapists are required to take continuing education credits on an ongoing basis. I have always tried to further my education with cutting-edge programs and new ideas.
Imago Relationship Therapy –I was trained by author, Harville Hendrix, and founder of Imago Relationship Therapy, an approach to conscious relationships. This is the program that taught me how to have a loving and enduring marriage; so I learned how to share it with others.
Interactive Guided Imagery -As a nurse I became aware of a strong connection between the mind and the body. Our right brain thinks in images and they are readily available to us, with a little practice. Interactive Guided Imagery is an approach to reducing stress and assisting people to use their inner wisdom to understand and heal themselves. The skills learned include breathing exercises and how to meditate. This method can be also be used to understand and reduce internal conflicts, prepare for surgery and manage pain.
Hazelden Clinical Training – I have received specialized clinical training and worked with many people in recovery from substance abuse. I also offer consultation to family members learning about addiction and how to best help someone they love who is suffering.
Mediation– Mediation is a process where a neutral third party assists the participants to resolve conflicts. Mediation is not therapy; although it may feel similar because the mediator is actively listening and guiding the process.
Child Custody Evaluation (CCRC Child Custody Recommending Counselor) – For 12 years I was appointed by the Court to assist parents in litigation to create a parenting plan that would work for them and their children. I am no longer accepting CCRC appointments, however I continue to offer consultation to parents who are embarking on this process so they will be better prepared to present their concerns to the CCRC. I also offer co-parent counseling for high conflict co-parents.
Collaborative Divorce Coach – Collaborative Divorce is a legal process where the divorcing couple agrees not to use the court to resolve their disputes. Each person has an attorney and coach, to help them legally and emotionally transition through divorce, with intentions of making the best decisions possible for their family and themselves.

Recipient of the CP Cal
Eureka Award 2021
The Eureka Award recognizes and honors those who “have made significant contributions and demonstrated an abiding dedication to establishing and sustaining Collaborative Practice in California.”

Recipient of the CP Cal
Eureka Award 2021

The Eureka Award recognizes and honors those who “have made significant contributions and demonstrated an abiding dedication to establishing and sustaining Collaborative Practice in California.”